Site icon Becky Stern

TV-B-Gone Tampon Case

I just got a new Adafruit Industries TV-B-Gone v1.1 kit, and decided to embed it into my tampon case. I never needed to carry around that many tampons, anyway! It still holds two, plus the electronics. I pulled out the switch on the PCB to the outside of the case so it can easily be activated while holding it, but also by items on a table! I find one of the most useful places for the TV-B-Gone is in restaurants. The button points slightly downward, so you can slyly press it by moving it up against something on the table, like your wine glass, flatware, etc. TVs don’t always bother me, but now I can turn them off during my most irritable time of the month.

These photos are also available in a Flickr set of the construction.

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